About Me

I'm the oldest out of 2, our family moved from Vietnam to MN in 2000. I've been the outspoken, outgoing and goofy one in the family. Like most Asian parents who wants their children to get a highly educated career. Especially, my mom wants me to be a doctor or a lawyer. But, in mind and heart is a whole different world. I've always into to the fashion industry since when I was little.
I remember as if it were yesterday when I lived in Vietnam. I would beg my mom to sign me up for a sewing class with my friend, but instead her mind set something different for me; such as tutoring, English lesson after school. I didn't give up on my dreams though. I would sneak over to my friend,Trang's house on weekends, and pay her with my own money to teach me what she had learned in the sewing class. After 10 lessons, I started making doll clothes by cutting fabric from my own clothes that my mother bought. She would get so MAD. I went from making dolls clothes now to designing my own clothes
  What am I doing now?
I'm currently working my first fashion show for my company I currently open. It's L.P.F Projects, for more information about my company check out  www.lpfprojects.com
What I do on my free time?

During my free time, when I'm not working, I mostly like to sleep, LOL. Otherwise, I often design clothes and shop around for fabrics. In the summertime, I usually work at different runway shows to get more experience and learn about the business side of fashion. 

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